Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 55 - 55. DADA And Invitation

DADA class was next. It was with the American Professor Harrison. He was as always a cool man. He showed the most interesting magic and talked about interesting dark creatures. It honestly felt more like a dark storytime than anything else.

"Okay, students. Today, we will learn about a dark magical creature special to the southern parts of America. They are creatures with a brain yet can be called brainless. They are scared of fire too. Can anyone guess what it is?" He questioned. ​​

Instantly, three hands rose up. It was Snape, Magnus and Lily. But, then Magus saw Snape lowering his as he noticed Lily.

~Woah, he\'s really letting her take the lead? I need to correct him later, can\'t have him lovestruck from one side and also dragging himself down.~ Magnus thought.

The teacher saw Magnus first, so he asked, "Yes, you may answer, Mr Pendragon."

"Zombies." He answered.

"Correct, 5 points for Slytherin." Professor Harrison said.

Magnus, with a smug look, sat down. His face was specifically to tease Sirius, to say that Gryffindor was losing here, something that always gets on Sirius\' nerves.

"I used to work for MACUSA as an Auror in the crimes related to dark magical creatures. So, I have had contact with these. The best way to deal with these creatures is to use fire. Why? Because their rotten body is so loosely held that the fire can affect them easily. Without muscles, it is not possible for them to move as fast. An even faster way to beat them is to destroy their brain because even though they are Zombies, they still use that little amount of brainpower to function.

"Once, I was surrounded by about 20 of them, I used a simple large area fire spell and it worked like a charm... like it should," Professor Harrison taught.

Ragnar suddenly lifted his hand. Professor nodded towards him, "Yes, Mr Oroborus."

"Professor, can the Zombies be considered good guinea pigs to test the effects of experimental magic and potions, to see how it might act on a real human?" He inquired. Just as he asked this, Magnus understood what this crazy potioneer was thinking about.

Harrison was very surprised by this question because it was so out of the ordinary. He just shook his head and replied, "I do not know if such experiments have ever been done, but it is indeed a very thought-provoking idea."

"Okay, now we will try the Verdimillious Charm. It can be used for a variety of reasons. It is a charm that emitted green sparks from the wand. These sparks could be used to reveal objects hidden by Dark Arts and could be used offensively in a duel.

"The way to use it is simple. One waves his or her wand in a circular motion overhead whilst slowly saying the incantation, aiming for nothing but thin air, thereby causing an orb of glowing green energy to be thrown from the wand tip, exploding several feet away in a blinding flash of emerald light and illuminating the entire room for a short period of time.

"Now, the explosion is the weapon and the light after that is the tool. So long as the emerald light from the spell lasts, objects such as platforms or doors that had been hidden by Dark magic would be revealed, so that they were temporarily visible and tangible again, until the spell\'s effects ended." The professor explained them in detail.

The charm was actually not as destructive in its weakest form. There were other iterations of this charm that were truly dangerous. They were the Verdimillious Duo, Verdimillious Tria spells.

Once again, Magnus excelled in it because it was just a simple charm. However, Ragnar found it troublesome. Surprisingly, on Gryffindor\'s side, Lily, Sirius, James and Remus were able to do it too.

"Come one, Ragnar, you can do it. Look, even they are winning. At least you must defeat that Peter guy." Magnus said.

"I am trying, Magnus. Okay, one... two... three..." Ragnar put all his focus and tried to cast the charm.

"AAAAAAAAAAA..." Ragnar focused.

Magnus felt embarrassed at his friend. "Why are you screaming?"

"To focus," Ragnar replied.


Suddenly, a small green explosion occurred, though it looked like a small spark.

"That... you did it, I guess... at least you won against Peter," Magnus muttered.

After a while, the class ended. But, Magnus was stopped by the professor for some reason. All the other students had left by then, Snape and Ragnar were waiting for him outside.

"Mr Pendragon, thank you for waiting. I just wanted to give you this. This is a letter from the current MACUSA president and the Headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They would like it if you could someday in the future visit their sides and give a speech. Merlin is very much remembered and loved on the American side too." Harrison said.

Magnus took the two letters. They were fairly simple and formal. He put them in his pocket, "It is evident that someday I will go to America, to explore its magical sides. But, not anytime soon as I must get stronger first. However, I would appreciate it if you could get me a book that could teach me about Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and MACUSA."

"Ah, yes yes... I do have it. It is a fairly simple book for Wizard tourists and new students." Harrison quickly took a small booklet from his suitcase and handed it to Magnus.

After that, Magnus left him alone. The next and final class of the day was herbology. It was one of the favourite ones of Ragnar and not so much of Magnus. He just made fun of Emma in the class by trying to make her make mistakes while handling the plants.

"GO AWAY!... I should have stayed your enemy." She shouted at him, which only made him laugh.

After the class, there was dinner in the evening, but Magnus, Ragnar and Snape had to go to Slug Club and they\'d be eating there.

So, they got ready in their dorms. They wore simple suits.

"How do I look?" Ragnar inquired.

"You are not going on a date, Ragnar. You can come naked if you want and I won\'t judge, though I\'m not sure about them." Magnus said.


Magnus looked at Duck lying on the bed lazily. Chad was keeping an eye on him.

"Chad, keep him under control until I\'m back. I will reward you later." He bribed the cat and he accepted it happily.

"Snape, you look like what I imagine a Dracula to be. Open the top button of your shirt, mate. You need to breathe as well." Magnus commented.

Ragnar chuckled, "Hehe, I heard Lily will also be there."

Magnus blinked and looked back at Snape, "Still, girls don\'t like complete uptight boys like you... I think. Just relax and be natural."

Snape just ignored his words but in the end, he did unbutton the top button. After that, they went to the room of Slughorn. Voices were already coming from inside.


Soon, the door was opened by Slughorn. His eyes sparkled as soon as he saw Magnus.

"Oh, Mr Pendragon... and Mr Oroborus and Mr Snape, please, please. Come in. All the others have arrived." Slughorn enthusiastically greeted.

But as soon as Magnus entered, he was left speechless from seeing someone. "What are you doing here? You are not excellent in any subject."

"Huh, but I am an amazing quidditch player. I have been selected in the Slytherin team as a chaser already, also, my father is the owner of Nimbus Racing Broom Company." Emma proudly said.


Magnus\' jaw was left open, "But isn\'t your name Emma Vanity? The owner of Nimbus Racing Broom Company is Devlin Whitehorn."

"I took my mum\'s surname." She replied.

"COME ON! I just bought a new Nimbus, couldn\'t you have helped me get a discount?" Magnus complained.

It was now Emma and everyone else\'s turn to have their jaws hit the floor.

[This DADA professor will have a bigger role in the future so know that he is important.]

[A/N: Hello, my dear readers. Just wanted to tell you that I am sick. My wisdom tooth came out well but now I have caught a cold. I\'m having a fever and also coughing a lot. It could be covid or some other normal viral fever. I tried to write 2 chapters but my brain is not working as efficiently.

I am only able to write one for now. As soon as I get well, I will increase the chapter frequency again. Thank you for reading.]

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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