Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 450 - 450. SCSGC

Chapter 450 – 450. SCSGC

"What do you mean?" Magnus asked him.

Harrison spoke in a saddened voice, "Look at America, a perfectly capitalistic rich nation on the skin but a broken unequal society under it. Discrimination is rampant, crimes are increasing. Look around the world, there are worse examples.

"When you make a colony on Moon and Mars, let\'s say someday their population reaches hundreds of thousands, enough to call it a small country. What will stop them from declaring independence from Earth and calling themselves an entirely different species?"

Magnus instantly responded, "I have thought about that. First of all, we all are working to bring humanity together under one umbrella and identity. Now that you\'re the US president I\'m sure you can fix your country. And about them declaring independence in space, there is a simple solution. Never make any colony self-sufficient. Always make sure that they are dependent on each other.

"For example, we will make sure that they can not grow more food than they need for let\'s say a few weeks. The rest will arrive from Earth. The food production will also be controlled by me, or when I pass away, by someone I completely trust. We will not allow a single person to hold too much power on a single colony for more than 4 years.

"We shall treat it like the Army. They are going to be employees, not real colonisers. The real colonisation of Mars can only happen when we have the technology to terraform the planet and that\'s not going to happen in a century to come. All men and women won\'t be allowed to take their family there, hence they will have to return home every few months. This will ensure that their connection with Earth doesn\'t go loose." Magnus revealed his plans.

"What if someone is born on the Moon?" Ragnar asked this time.

"Simple, we won\'t allow it. I mean, we will send the pregnant woman back to Earth as soon as it\'s found out. This will be done in the name of providing a better safety and facility while also making sure that the limited health facility on the colony is not burdened." He answered.

"What do you need from us?" Harrison asked.

"Simple, let my companies hire wizards from the United States at a faster pace. Work on keeping your nation free from dark lords. Wizards pose as much threat to the world as a nuclear weapon." Magnus requested from him. He would do the same with any major leader of any nation\'s wizard representative.

"You got yourself a deal then." Harrison shook his hand, but at the same time warned him about something. "Headsup, FutureTek Industries might also face Antitrust investigations, Emrys Construction too. For one, you are trying to completely buy Intel when your company already has a majority stake in the world computer and chip market. And Emrys Construction has been accused of backhand deals to get contracts. I cannot help you with this, it\'s fair law and trade."

Magnus appreciated the warning, "Thanks. I appreciate it. I will look into it."

For the next few hours, they talked about some other things. Such as stabilising South America and using its wizarding population too. In the end, the meeting turned out to be highly productive.

After this, Magnus went straight to Brunei in the South China Sea, where FutureTek defence had a shipyard. It was a special day as the UK\'s first-ever nuclear powered super aircraft carrier with a displacement of a hundred thousand tonnes. But the most amazing thing about it was the design, it had three airstrips. Two smaller ones for faster jets and a bigger one for bigger slower aircraft.

It was officially named HMS Pendragon. How can the UK afford to buy this? Well, all the money that was coming in the Economic boom was going somewhere and since Magnus had advised for expanding military strength because of the UK playing a bigger role around the world, they did.

By 1981, the UK had officially crossed a trillion dollars in GDP. Now, it was worth 1.124 Trillion, as compared to 3.2 of the US. But the good part was that the GDP per capita of the UK was now higher than the US due to having a lesser population of 72 million, as compared to 220 million of the US.

The start of this decade was being dubbed as the "Era of Wealth" in the UK.

"Excited?" Bobby asked him. This was the reason Bobby was not present in today\'s meeting.

"Yup, I wonder what the guys at the company designed." Magnus wondered.

"You\'re gonna like it, it\'s nothing like other aircraft carriers. Although it will be going through sea trials for a year, the world will be seeing it for the first time." Bobby himself sounded excited.

"Hmm, Bobby. Can you do me a favour? After the ship is in the waters, can you help me hold a meeting on its deck? I am soon going to talk with the leaders of Malaysia and the Philippines." Magnus requested.

"What about Vietnam?" Bobby asked back.

"Oh that, I\'m still in the middle of regime change there and rooting out the communist government. China is keeping an eye there. But will soon have them too." he clarified.

"No problem, first watch the carrier for god\'s sake," Bobby led him into the giant shipyard where the HMS Pendragon was docked. It was already floating in the water as the shipyard had the feature of modern floodgates to allow it to be submerged.

"Behold." Bobby opened the door, allowing Magnus to walk into a giant empty space. In front of him was a huge steel behemoth with a strange shape. It looked like an arrow.

Bobby talked about its features, "It can hold about a hundred aircraft and can house 8,000 crewmembers. It has all kinds of facilities available and a state of the art modern mega-kitchen. And the best part, there is a VIP room at the front just above the nose of the ship. They have large windows that can be shielded when needed. They give a wide view of the sea and are made to look luxurious. Befitting royalty. Oh, it also has a Thorium reactor."

Magnus just blankly started and it and blinked. All this time, he had bought many things with money, but. Seeing something like this truly gave a sense that with money one can buy anything.

"Magnificant. In today\'s day and age, although aircraft carriers are obsolete, these can still be an image booster. Good job, Bobby." He praised.

Bobby giggled, "I\'m happy that you\'re pleased, your highness."

"Ugh… stop making me feel like a fat good for nothing nobility. Let\'s go, give me a tour,"

After hours of last checks, the ship finally entered the sea. Magnus was able to prepare the VIP room for the meeting. After that, the leaders of the two countries, Malaysia and the Philippines were brought over. They were in awe of the ship and the might it represented. It was clear in their eyes.

Magnus didn\'t appear to be an overly strict guy. He accepted their official bows as greetings and shook hands. His aim was something big today, one that could make him and these people billions for years to come.

"Thank you for meeting me on my request," Magnus spoke. The two men and their staff were acting all polite.

For the first hour, they exchanged pleasantries and ate a meal. After that, Magnus handed them a file with the title "SCSGC – South China Sea Gas Company"

Basically, oil and gas make everybody\'s lips wet, except Magnus as he knew the future was all about electricity. The UK was already in the middle of electrifying everything.

They read the proposal. It basically laid out the plan to create a new company. Magnus will be the creator and the one to run it. As the Asian nations lacked the money and tech to invest in seriously extracting the huge reserves of gas from the sea, he will do it for them. All he asks is a 10% share in the profits, 12% until the initial cost of setting each rig is earned. The plan was to partner with each country that was present in the sea and had a special economic zone. Heck, Magnus had SEZ here too as the UK now had Brunei as its main territory.

The idea was juicy enough, getting 90% profits by doing nothing was great. There was even a clause that said their nation\'s workers would be used as long specialised ones were available. It was a big boasting point for them as a politician.

"I agree with this plan, but what about China? They claim the entire sea theirs?" The leader from Malaysia asked.

Magnus shrugged, "That\'s madness. The British crown once controlled the majority of the world\'s waters, do you see me laying claim all over the world? Don\'t worry about them, the UN will handle everything. They can have the part that falls under them"

"Then I agree as well," the President of the Philippines agreed.

To some eyes, this would have seemed strange, how can they just accept it so fast? But to understand everything one needed to see the image Magnus had around the world. He had single-handedly lifted Bhutan out of poverty, helped India and Pakistan transform(by investing), and made Thailand rich too with a canal. The man was on the moon, his family creates things that help the world.

The trust value was too damn high.

[You can see HMS Pendragon on Discord – https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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