Seduce The Villainess (GL)

Chapter 267 The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (18)

(Outskirts Of The Gobrean Jungle- White Lotus City)

(Border Wall)

The sun was shining brightly in the sky and warm rays of light illuminated the rich forest that was teeming with life.

A faint white mist hung around the treetops since the air was hot and humid.

Xu Lu glanced at the map in her hand with five locations that were circled using a bright red ink.

Based on the information that she had gotten last night… these were the locations that were most likely to be the entrance to the mysterious ruins.

"We will investigate each location on the map thoroughly," Xu Lu coldly spoke as she turned to face her four companions.

Lin Kun blinked twice and judging from the dark circles underneath his eyes, Xu Lu had a pretty good idea of how he spent the night.

Fu Qiu and Cao Ji hung at the back of the group and were both silent as if they were trying to blend into the background.

Shen Guo on the other hand was looking at her with an unreadable expression on his face. There was something in his eyes that made Xu Lu feel a bit wary.

Her years of experience as Camilla\'s bodyguard had made her incredibly sensitive to killing intent and although that was not what she felt… it was close enough.


Xu Lu frowned slightly as she recalled her memories spent with her lover.

She could perfectly remember how she felt at the time and the life that they had shared but…

Her emotions from her previous life were muted and dull.

It was like watching a movie only she was a character on the screen instead of someone who had lived through those experiences.

Xu Lu shook her head and made a mental note to herself to ask the \'system\' when she got back to the main space.

"Now to cover more ground… I suggest that we split up and look at different locations," Xu Lu suggested in an even tone.

"One group can have three people while the other will only be two. We will meet back here at the entrance to the city at nightfall."

"If one group does not return then alert the city guards and immediately head towards their location."

"Does that make sense?"

Xu Lu waited patiently but received no response from her companions. Finally Fu Qiu nodded and the rest followed his lead.

"Good now…" Xu Lu was interrupted as Shen Guo politely raised his hand.

"I can go with you," he spoke in a respectful tone.

Cao Ji shot him a look of disbelief while Lin Kun narrowed his eyes in anger as if he could not believe that Shen Guo had managed to take a lead in getting to know the saintess.

"Alright. Shen Guo and I can head north to the \'Dead man zone\' while Cao Ji, Lin Kun and Fu Qiu you all can go south to the stone pillars with blue markings," Xu Lu responded calmly.

She did not make a fuss about including Shen Guo in her group because truthfully… she was a bit curious.

Why was there a faint killing intent directed at her from a fellow member of the Holy Sword Sect?

Staying close to Shen Guo was the perfect opportunity to observe him up close and try to figure out his motives.

It was important to know whether he was acting on his own or if there were others involved in a conspiracy to hurt the saintess.

Xu Lu checked the map once more and then set out in a northern direction.

She heard shuffling coming from her right and sensed Shen Guo following closely behind.

For the next twenty minutes, they both walked in relative silence. Only the faint sounds of breathing and the buzzing of insects filled the air.

Squeak! Squeak!

The little white mouse in Xu Lu\'s pocket poked his head out and whimpered quietly. Xu Lu plucked a juicy fruit from a nearby clump of bushes and gave it to her furry companion.

The mouse happily grabbed the fruit and then disappeared back inside Xu Lu\'s pocket. The saintess\' lips slowly curved upwards, and her steps became a bit lighter.

In this world where she was surrounded by enemies… she was grateful to have an animal companion to help her deal with the stress.

Unfortunately her pleasant mood was interrupted by Shen Guo whose footsteps sped up until they were walking side by side.

"Saintess… what was it like being raised by Master Lei Ying?" Shen Guo asked curiously.

(It was a fucking nightmare)

Xu Lu concealed the true thoughts in her mind and replied nonchalantly, "She is a strict master who helped me to reach my cultivation potential."

"I am…grateful for her teachings and I will not forget what she has done for me…"

"What about you? Tell me some more about yourself."

Shen Guo seemed surprised by her interest and nervously rubbed his hands together. Xu Lu could not help but notice that his eyes drifted constantly towards his pocket.

What was inside there?

"Well… I was an outer disciple for several decades before I broke into the qi body stage," Shen Guo sheepishly smiled as he spoke.

"My cultivation… wasn\'t suited for the way of the sword."

"Really? Then what about…" Xu Lu pointed towards the flexible blade wrapped around her companion\'s waist.

"No… that is more for decoration," Shen Guo laughed and an emotion briefly surfaced in his eyes that Xu Lu could not tell what it was.

"I\'m not like you… I\'m not talented or lucky enough to be chosen as the most powerful of the younger generation."

There was a faint undertone of bitterness and jealousy in Shen Guo\'s voice as he pretended to speak in a relaxed manner.

Xu Lu nodded at his words and once again the atmosphere fell into silence.

Xu Lu checked the map and out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Shen Guo\'s hand drift into his pocket.

"Are you trying to kill me?" Xu Lu bluntly spoke without caring about what Shen Guo\'s reaction would be.

She stopped moving and Shen Guo immediately froze like a naughty child who had just been caught by his parents.

"What? How did you…" Shen Guo stuttered nervously as a fearful expression flashed across his face.

"I didn\'t. But now I do," Xu Lu replied as she unsheathed her sword and swung it at Shen Guo\'s neck.

Her blade moved so fast that it was like a blur, Shen Guo barely managed to duck out of the way and a faint red line appeared on his neck.

He grabbed his throat in horror and nearly fainted when he saw the crimson liquid that stained his palms.

"No! I didn\'t have a choice… I… I…" Shen Guo trembled violently as Xu Lu approached and then flung something on the ground.

Was that a glass vial?

Xu Lu\'s reflexes immediately took over and her body reacted before the vial shattered into thousands of glass shards.

She jumped away just as a large purplish mist emerged from the glass container and began to spread throughout the forest.


Horrific cries and screams came from the distance and the ground beneath Xu Lu\'s feet started to rumble.

"What did you do?" Xu Lu demanded angrily as she watched Shen Guo stare at her with madness dancing in his eyes.

"I\'m dead… even if I killed you… I would be dead…" Shen Guo muttered over and over again to himself.

"But… if I\'m going to die… I\'LL BRING YOU DOWN WITH ME!"

He made a series of hand gestures and the purplish mist intensified until it became a heavy fog.

Xu Lu gripped her sword tightly and swung her blade in Shen Guo\'s direction.

A burst of sword qi erupted from the tip of her weapon and neatly bisected the male cultivator in half.

Shen Guo\'s corpse slid to the ground with a heavy thump but the purplish mist continued to spread at a rapid speed.

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