VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 835: Fight? Fight!

Chapter 835: Fight? Fight!

Translator: alyschu


Gui Guzi stared at the incoming Northern Alliance cavalry and sneered. "We just can’t stop running into that Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry, can we? It’s almost like the two of us are connected by the threads of fate or something!"

Li Chengfeng crossed his spear in front of his chest and said, "Clearly, the reason the Northern Alliance feigned defeat and lured us into the deeper areas of Poplar Valley was so that they could set up this ambush. Hmph! Well, It’s not like I don’t understand why they hate us so much. We are the ones who gave them the most trouble since the beginning of the Nation Wars!"

I unsheathed my sword and laughed. "And we are proud to receive their hatred! Now get ready, brothers and sisters! When two people meet, only one will emerge victorious! We will not shrink away from the hardships of life!"

Our weapons unsheathed, we took off. Once we were within range, we would charge the enemy at top speed.


It was at this moment a large group of players suddenly broke through the enemy’s ranks from behind us. It was none other than Hot and Sour Noodles and his guild, Righteousness. The commander called out to me, "Lu Chen!"


"Leave this place to us. You want to attack White Horse City, right? Then you can’t afford to waste your men here. I’ve moved Warsky Alliance over. They’ll be cooperating with my Greedy Wolf Cavalry and take Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry down a peg!"

I nodded and smiled at him. "Thanks! In that case, we’ll save our main army and dispatch the Dragonlight Cavalry only!"

"Got it!"

Hot and Sour Noodles raised his sword into the air before swinging it mightily in front of him, shouting, "Greedy Wolf Cavalry, ride with me!"

20000-strong Greedy Wolf Cavalry charged fearlessly toward the Northern Alliance’s best cavalry, the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry, at once. Not only that, Warsky appeared on the other side of the battlefield as well. The ring of Great Earth Transformation surrounding him, he rode at the forefront while Laughing At The Heavens, Lin Bing Dou Zhe and nearly 10000 Frostscale Cavalrymen followed behind his back. It would seem like Hot and Sour Noodles was very well loved within the Chinese faction. Not everyone could convince Warsky Alliance to lend them their best fighting force.

"Dragonlight Cavalry, attack!"

Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’ best cavalry charged at my command. When I hit the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry, the Armored Ice Qilin Horse knocked aside at least a dozen or so enemy riders before it finally slowed to a stop. The enemy’s mounts were huge, but their Strength stats were absolutely inferior to mine. In a direct clash, none of them was a match for me.


I tossed Thousand Ice Slash to my left and Burning Blade Slash to my right. The Phantom Wolf King also jumped into a group of enemies and smacked them around frenziedly with Claws of the Storm. At Level 167, its Attack was an absolute menace, and it was able to clear out a patch of the battlefield in no time because it dealt at least 50k damage per hit. If the environment was right, not even Lin Yixin’s ice dragon could do as much damage as the Phantom Wolf King.

That wasn’t to say Kris wasn’t wreaking havoc of her own. Every time the ice dragon swooped down from the sky and opened her mouth, countless people became wreathed in draconic flames. On the other side, Murong Mingyue’s Ironwing Dragon was also going through the same motions, but instead of spitting flames it physically lifted the riders into the air and tore them to shreds.

There seemed to be no one who could stop Li Chengfeng and his Augustus\' Spear too. Despite not using Greath Earth Transformation, he was able to tear through the enemies with ease. Behind him, Gui Guzi, Chaos Moon and Xu Yang were following closely behind and killing everyone around them as well. Aurora Thrust was deadly enough, but Chaos Moon’s Rock Crush ignored even more Defense and hit even harder, not to mention that Plunder was an absolute monster of a Famous General Skill. There was no one killed by her who wasn’t bawling like a baby.


Xu Yang let out a guttural roar as his Mountain Stagger Slash slammed into several Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen and deleted their mount tenacity bars in an instant. Behind him, Du Thirteen rushed to the dismounted riders and slashed them three times in a row, killing them before they could do anything.

The Dragonlight Cavalry was on a roll today. They cut through the enemy forces like a hot knife through butter.

Our allies were doing similarly well.

Ring ring ring...

If you heard ringing sounds, that meant that the Fruit Knife Goddess had arrived. If you were an ally, then the melodious ring of the Devil Bell was akin to an antidepressant that kept everyone steady. It notified everyone that the main force of Snowy Cathaya was right around the corner.

Purple Marquis was charging the enemy and swinging his weapon wildly. Behind him, 10000 Purple Dragon Cavalrymen were smashing the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry all over the place.

"Roar roar..."

The Moonchaser Tiger’s roar was deafening to say the least. When the heroic tiger rider raised her sword, fire ascended a pillar of ice at least dozens of yards long before crashing atop a group of enemies. When she opened her palm and summoned cyclones of icy air, Ice Storm erupted among the Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry and left a patch of vacuum instantly.

"It’s her... it’s her... it’s that devil..."

The Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen close to Lin Yixin turned as white as death when they recognized her. To this day, the video where Lin Yixin used God’s Tear and wiped out an entire map was still occupying a spot on the home page of the global forums. It was no exaggeration to say that the Fruit Knife Goddess was the cause behind the heartache that tormented every Northern Alliance player. Every night, countless players who worked their asses off just to earn a couple of gold per day would shudder awake from the nightmare that was that day and swear, "Son of a bitch!"

Purple Marquis and Zi Chuanyu laughed easily and generally had a good time as they cut down the enemies. Although Snowy Cathaya’s elite cavalry was no match for Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’, they weren’t really too far behind us. Moreover, they were led by a peak expert like Purple Marquis and the gorgeous Fruit Knife Goddess herself, so their morale was as high as the sky itself!

Not far away, I could see Hot and Sour Noodles and Righteousness slamming into the Bloodthirsty Beasts’ flanks and trading blows with them. Warsky Alliance’s 10000-strong Frostscale Cavalry was also attacking the Northern Alliance army from behind. Now that Warsky was a Divine General, the mere appearance of his Ghost Banner greatly lifted his troops’ morale. The Frostscale Cavalry was practically unstoppable as they split the enemy’s formation in half.


For a time, battle cries filled the air as the peak cavalry of each side clashed against one another. The battle lasted for almost an hour, and in the end, it was the Northern Alliance who lost almost all 50000 of their Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalrymen. It was a miscalculation on their part. They didn’t think that the Chinese would be this united, and that so many forces would come to the aid of Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls.

"Don’t let them escape! Kill them all!"

Warsky barked out the heartless order before chasing after the escaping remnants of Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry himself. He truly was a talented player with great skills—he was probably very close to reaching super-tier—and even greater equipment. In terms of 1v1 prowess, Warsky was probably second only to Farewell Song today. He had most likely exceeded the likes of Lin Bing Dou Zhe and Laughing At The Heavens already.

Not only was Warsky an outstanding, cunning and courageous commander, he was quickly catching up to us in terms of fighting power. Lin Yixin, Candlelight Shadow and I hadn’t frequented the champion arena for a very long time, but Warsky still participated every day and had been battling Blue Sky Scar, Tempest Shadow, Farewell Song, Gui Guzi and more until he himself became a fine, tempered blade. In this case, He Yi was definitely inferior to Warsky. That being said, He Yi’s key strengths lay in her charm and approachability. She was the reason why difficult-to-control super experts like Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi, Chaos Moon, High Fighting Spirits and me shared a harmonious relationship with each other. We weren’t naturally compatible with one another, but we were all willing to set down our differences for our guild leader, He Yi.


"Alright, it’s time to sweep the battlefield! Tsk tsk, not bad, not bad! Would you look at all these equipment drops, hehe..." I grinned from ear to ear as I stared at the sea of equipment littering the ground. The Bloodthirsty Beast Cavalry was made up of the best of the best, so it was only natural that their equipment would be more or less the same. Even the worst items we found were Spirit-grade or higher.

We swept across the battlefield like locusts, striving to outdo Warsky’s Frostscale Cavalry in the looting department. Even Purple Marquis of Snowy Cathaya was riding back and forth with his Purple Dragon Cavalry. Of all of us, Hot and Sour Noodles and Righteousness were the only ones who surrendered their looting rights and graciously waited by the sidelines while we helped ourselves, even though they had lost 50% of their Greedy Wolf Cavalry during the battle.

The war was still going on when we finished scouring the battlefield. I fully expected the Northern Alliance’s blockades to remain unbreached for the time being.

I was in no hurry, however. Cute Little Naughty and our assassins hadn’t slipped into White Horse City yet, and our attack opportunity hadn’t yet arrived. The timing must be right, or the entire operation could end in failure.


"Lu Chen!" Suddenly, Chaos Moon called out to me and pointed to the southwest. "I received a report that Seven Star City is attacking a Level 195 Immortal Rank boss, and it only has 40% HP left! Candlelight Shadow has already organized his men and left to steal the boss, so it may be gone at any moment!"

I immediately pulled out my own weapon and declared, "We’re going too! There’s no reason to give the Americans any Immortal-grade equipment, is there? Everything on this battlefield is belong to us!"

Chaos Moon replied with a sweet smile on her face, "This one agrees completely, my master..."

I rolled my eyes at her and said, "Behave yourself," but then...

"It’s fine, guild leader Eve isn’t around today!"


I let out a helpless chuckle before departing for the boss with Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi, Beiming Xue and the rest of our elites. Since Beiming Xue didn’t have a mount, I put her in front of me so we could travel at the same speed. However, when I looked up, I could only see the backs of Lin Yixin, Purple Marquis, Warsky and more. Heavens, these people move as quick as lightning when there’s a boss around!


We rode all the way to the edge of the valley where there was an entrance leading to a smaller pass. It looked like the entrance to the lumber mill.

Outside the entrance, a group of Candle Dragon players and God’s Dance blocked our way and stopped us from advancing. She said with a smile, "Thank you for showing up, but Candle Dragon can deal with our own enemies. For now, your aid is unnecessary."

Gui Guzi gripped his spear and asked angrily, "And if we must go inside no matter what?"

God’s Dance’s eyes grew chillier as she smiled mirthlessly and said, "Then don’t blame us for doing what is necessary!"


I immediately raised my sword and shouted, "Kill them!"

Warsky commented in a helpless tone, "Damn. Ask Ancient Sword for a fight, and a war you’ll get..."

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