Gangster System: I Will Become The Greatest Gangster!

Chapter 71 Going Well

While shopping, Xavier only said no to a few things that were obnoxious or a bit too expensive, but both his mother and Connor were surprised by how much he was spending, while the triplets were having the time of their lives.

"Big bro Xavier is the best!"

"Yeah, but just how much money did his sugar mama give him?" his mother inquired.

"I helped her with her work and so she paid me quite a lot. And she said if I continue to help her, she\'ll give me money ever so often," he answered.

"Well, you\'ve always been good at studying and maybe she\'s some sort of rich girl that\'s about the same age as you. Yeah, that\'d make the most sense."

Xavier didn\'t bother confirming or denying his mother\'s speculation, and he could only imagine what was going through her mind.

But she seemed happy as he smiled, glad that his mother and the little girls were enjoying themselves.


Meanwhile, Connor had so many questions and knew that the sugar mama story wasn\'t true, so was curious as to how he had gotten his hands on so much money and how he had gotten injured.

And seeing how happy his sisters became after Xavier spent money on them, obviously, he was grateful to him, but he wanted to be able to do that for them himself and was interested in doing whatever Xavier had done.

"I\'ll explain everything later, but for now let\'s just let them enjoy themselves and carry all of this stuff for me."

Xavier was managing to carry a few things with his right hand, but it was causing him great pain and Connor had noticed that he was wincing ever so often and walking quite awkwardly.

Pushing him lightly, seeing how Xavier had reacted, it was clear he was in great pain as he burst out into laughter, knowing that he was trying his best to not show his mother that he was injured.

"Just watch when we go to the dojo."

"Hmph. In the state you\'re in I could probably..."

Connor didn\'t even finish his sentence, changing his mind after seeing Xavier\'s stern expression, as he carried his bags for him.

And after a few hours, Connor was carrying dozens of bags filled with all sorts of clothes and toys, and Xavier had spent a big chunk of the money he had left.

"Alright, alright. That\'s enough. I\'ve spent enough on the 4 of you, now Connor and I need to get some clothes, then we\'ll get some food."

Buying multiple tracksuits for himself and Connor to train in, they then had a nice meal together and he was glad that he was able to spoil his mother and the little girls.

Despite how annoying they were, he pitied them having lost both their parents at such a young age, and they also were his subordinate\'s siblings, so of course, he would treat them well.

And after they had all eaten their fill, it was time to head back.

Even Connor was struggling to carry all they had bought and his shoulders and arms were starting to ache, but he was too ashamed to complain and there was nobody he could ask for help.

It was too shameful to ask his sisters or Xavier\'s mother for help, while Xavier was struggling to even carry himself despite how much he tried to hide it, so all he could do was suffer in silence as they made their way out of the mall.

Heading back in separate taxis once again, Xavier and Connor dropped off his mother and the triplets and they were too preoccupied with what they had bought to care about where Xavier and Connor were going.

Trying on different outfits, playing with different toys, trying out different cosmetics and whatever else they grabbed while they could in the mall, they could keep at it for days if they wanted to.

"I\'ll be back to pick you up later tonight, and we\'ll have to carry your stuff back, so don\'t just leave it all over the place," Connor said to his sisters.

"Okay, take your time. There\'s no rush," one responded.

"And won\'t we be back here tomorrow after school anyway, so it\'s fine if we leave some stuff right?" another added.

"And when will big bro Xavier take us shopping again?" the third shamelessly chimed in.

"You can leave whatever you want, just don\'t leave a mess and next time, it\'ll be Connor that\'ll take us shopping and buy us whatever we want."

"Is he also getting a sugar mama? But he\'s ugly," his sisters ruthlessly commented.

Xavier burst out into laughter seeing him get slightly annoyed, before he dragged him out of there.

"No, he\'s just gonna work with me and your brother is a great guy," he said to the triplets before leaving with Connor.


As soon as Connor and Xavier left, Connor started bombarding Xavier with questions about what had happened, and after receiving Xavier\'s explanation, he was finding it hard to believe.

But then knowing how crazy Xavier was and having a grasp of his character, it was quite a possible thing to occur and he didn\'t seem to be lying.

"Are the Wolf Gang and that one-eyed fellow really that frightening?"

"Connor, when I tell you they are on a different level, it\'s crazy. Even I was intimidated by his presence alone, and the amount of manpower, weaponry and resources they have are too great to take on directly."

"Well, it\'s no wonder they are in the position they are, but it\'s only a matter of time right?"

"Exactly Connor. Soon your sisters will be able to get what they want and never have to feel worry or fear again, and the same with my mother and anyone else affiliated with our gang."

Nodding his head and feeling driven, without Xavier even bringing it up, Connor had a request that surprised him.

"Next time, I want you to take me with you to the fight club. Not just for the money, but to get more capable and start pulling my own weight. If the one-eyed demon is an executive of the Wolf Gang, I want to be your executive of the Outlaw Gang and for that..."

"Yes, yes. And I\'m sure I made the right choice seeing how determined you are."

They walked in silence for a while longer, with Connor clenching his fists and preparing himself to train before he asked, "By the way, what\'s that?"

Xavier was carrying with him a small bag, and after with everything they had bought that cost Xavier most of the rest of his money, Connor couldn\'t remember what it was that Xavier had bought.

"Oh, it\'s just a little something for Achara."


Connor was surprised considering that the two of them were like a cat and a dog, and did not seem to get along much.

"Yeah, we took the day off while she ran the dojo with Zack and Karim and his buddies, so it\'s only right that I get her a gift."

"But what about Zack and the others?" Connor asked.

"Their gift is some training and tips from me," Xavier answered with an evil smile as they entered the dojo.

There appeared to be a session taking place and there were a few parents watching their children train with Achara, likely drawn in by the flyers that offered one free session.

And surprisingly Achara was quite skilled and gentle when dealing with the children, who couldn\'t help but stare at the giant Connor who made his way over to the corner of the dojo with Xavier.

"Those are two of my friends who are very skilled in combat and will also be teaching in this dojo, that focuses around Muay Thai, but will teach all sorts of martial arts and self defence. We focus on being fit, healthy, happy and capable, so be sure to come back next time," Achara said to the kids and the parents, wrapping up the session.

"And be sure to sign up with my assistant on the way out."

Zack, who sat behind the desk that was near the entrance and exit of the dojo, got a few of the children registered and gave them their membership cards after receiving payment.

Not all of the parents had signed up, which was to be expected.

But so far, after doing multiple taster sessions, they had gotten around a dozen children to sign up, and the flyers also had adult sessions, so the dojo was only just starting.

And considering it was just the first day, things were looking good.

But now that they had closed the dojo, it was time for the Outlaw Gang\'s gruelling training.

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