Apocalypse Chaos - I am the villain

Chapter 31 Killer... First Time?

Hearing that name, the thug was startled, and he quickly shook his head repeatedly.

"Don\'t lie to me. If not…"

Hikaru threw the thug on the ground, then kicked him in the back. This caused him so much pain that he almost lost consciousness.

Just now, that kick seemed to have broken his lungs. Now that Hikaru was stepping on his back, he felt so much pain that he couldn\'t breathe.

The frightened thug cried out: "Help! Help…um..um.."

Hikaru kicked the thug in the mouth, and he felt so much pain that he cried out in pain.

The thug felt his teeth fall out a few times. The kick just now even caused his teeth and tongue to touch each other, and this made him spit out blood.

"Don\'t make me break your head in this place, do you understand?!"

The thug was in pain, but he was afraid that if he didn\'t answer, Hikaru would continue to beat him.

The thug kept nodding, every time he nodded, his teeth hurt so much that it made him cry like a baby.


The thug led Hikaru through many alleys in the Kioa slums to a special area.

This place was like an abandoned factory, the outside had walls that were more than 3 metres high and an iron gate, but it had been severely rusted.

The thug was now panting from blood loss and exhaustion. He leaned against the wall and pointed at the abandoned factory.

Hikaru nodded, he knew that this was what he was looking for. In the novel "Apocalypse: I Own the Panara Box" it was also described as an abandoned factory located near the Kioa slums.

The thug gasped, he felt like he was about to faint.

Suddenly, Hikaru spoke up: "Good! You are no longer useful."

The thug seemed to realise what was going to happen to Hikaru, and he jumped back in fear.

However, the thug was severely injured and exhausted, and now he was nothing more than an ant in front of Hikaru.


"Ah! No need to apologise." Hikaru laughed. Although it was his first time doing this, he felt that it was what he needed to do.

Hikaru didn\'t think that if he let this thug go, he would leave him alone.

Besides… if Hikaru wasn\'t strong, then perhaps these thugs would not simply rob him of his property, but they might even kill him.

This Kioa slum was extremely complex. Inside this slum, several people die every day for unknown reasons. Even the bodies of those people were hidden in this area.

If he died in this place, perhaps the thugs would bury or dump his body somewhere as prey for rats and insects.

After putting on the gloves, the thug still couldn\'t run, he sat on the ground panting. Blood and tears were smeared on his face.

Hikaru reached out, grabbed the thug\'s neck, and then exerted a little force.


The sound of broken bones resounded, and with him being five times stronger than before, he easily broke the neck of the thug as if he were breaking a dry tree branch.

The thug was dead. His neck was bent at a 90-degree angle, and his eyes rolled up to only the whites.

After killing the thug, Hikaru felt completely normal, he did not feel afraid or anxious.

Perhaps… to him, this world was just a world in a novel, unlike Earth.

Besides, he was just a passerby, who was temporarily living in this world for a while.

Or maybe it\'s because he was the villain, so when he killed people, he didn\'t feel guilty.

Hikaru hid the thug\'s body in a bush. He also didn\'t care who would find his body or how the police would investigate it.

He dared to kill someone in this place because no one knew about it except criminals. A week would have passed before the police or someone else discovered the body of this thug.

By the time the police discovered the body of this thug, the apocalypse would have already come. But would the police still exist then?

The answer was no.

Hikaru approached the abandoned factory. Although it was an abandoned factory, the inside still had the same light as a normal factory.

He hid to the side, and peered inside. Hikaru saw someone who was most likely a lookout sitting outside, and holding a metal baseball bat.

Despite taking on guard duty, he just sat with his back against the wall and smoked.

At this point, another person appeared, probably a friend of the other man. He also held a baseball bat in his hand.

"Oi! You\'re on guard duty, but you are smoking like that, don\'t worry, the boss will…"

Before he could finish his sentence, the man frowned and said: "Huh! Are you afraid? What is anyone doing in this place? I\'m afraid even ghosts won\'t come here."

"Boss? He\'s enjoying the women inside, he doesn\'t care what we\'re doing out here."

The young man who had just arrived just sighed: "Haizzz, that\'s all I\'m afraid of. I was just peeing a little the other day and I was punched by him, I almost broke a tooth."

"Hahahaha.. You went at the wrong time. In the morning, you have to be on high alert. But at night it\'s different, I\'ll bet you that Boss is sleeping with those women right now."

"Do you know what the boss is doing?"

"Of course. You\'re a newbie, so it\'s normal not to know. Who in this place doesn\'t know that he only spends his evenings playing with the women he has just captured."

"I\'m just worried the police will find this place."

"Police?! Hahahaha… Do you know how long I\'ve been here? More than 5 years now. Don\'t call the police, even if…"



Suddenly, there was a whistling sound from the wind, and the man who was talking suddenly fell silent.

"Oi! Don\'t leave me hanging; continue what you were saying."

The young man frowned and pushed the man\'s shoulder. Suddenly, the man who was sitting with his back against the wall tilted to one side, then lay on the ground.

"Heh?!" The young man was startled, because it was too dark. Even though he was sitting next to the other man, he could not see clearly what had just happened.

He quickly took out a lighter from his pocket. Turning on the lighter, a horrible sight met his eyes.

On the man\'s head was a fruit knife, and only half of the blade and handle remained outside.

The young man was so scared that he couldn\'t even scream.


The young man suddenly stopped all his actions, and he reached out and touched his head.

That\'s right, there was also a knife inserted there. Then.. he fell to the ground, and his life also ended.

Hikaru stood in the distance, and upon seeing the two dead guards, he immediately climbed inside. Those two fruit knives he threw were bought while buying food at the convenience store.

Even though he had a gun, carrying a few knives with him also made him feel safer.

Anyway, the gunfire was too loud, and it was easy to attract the attention of people, especially the police.

Even though Hikaru approached the gate, he didn\'t know how to get inside.

He walked around the factory and discovered an iron ladder attached to the wall, the ladder led to the roof. At the end of that ladder, there was a rather large hole, big enough for an adult to enter.

"Heh?! Am I that lucky?"

[Of course. Right now, your luck points are over 16,000. Although you can\'t be compared with other main characters, compared to normal people, you are very lucky.]

[It\'s just… you don\'t have the protective protagonist\'s aura.]

Hikaru was happy to hear that. So… later, doing anything would be much simpler.

[Huh! Do not be in a hurry to rejoice. You should remember you are a villain, when you meet the main character, your luck won\'t be of much use.]

He shook his head and sighed, "I understand."

Hikaru clung to the iron ladder, then easily entered the interior.

In the factory, there was still light from industrial bulbs. Huge machines that had been severely rusted were everywhere.

Hikaru stood on the vent and looked down. There weren\'t many people inside, but the sight he saw made him frown.

In a hidden corner, on the ground, three men raped a woman. She was like a doll, she lay still on the ground and let the three men do whatever they liked with her body.

Her whole body had many wounds. Hikaru could even see a lot of blood on her face and… on her bottom.

Hikaru frowned, and started to use the giant machine inside the factory to get close to those people. Of course, he still kept a safe distance to avoid detection.

He stood from afar and pondered, as only two small knives were left in his pocket. Hikaru walked gently towards the three men. He looked around, but he did not see anyone else.

At this point, he was assured that there were no bystanders.

Hikaru took out the two knives, stared at the three men raping the other girl, then..



Two howls of wind resounded, and two knives immediately stabbed into the other two men\'s heads. The last one didn\'t realise it yet because he was enjoying the woman\'s body when Hikaru moved.

His speed was extremely fast, he stood about 10 metres away from the men, and everything happened in less than 2 seconds.

Hikaru immediately grabbed a knife that was stuck in one man\'s head and pulled it out, then stabbed the other man\'s throat.

The man was startled to see Hikaru appear, however, before he could make any sound, the knife stabbed into his throat.

His mouth was open, but only the sound of "uc…uc.." came out, as if he were choking on something.

His hands were covering his throat where Hikaru had inserted the knife, and his eyes were widening as he looked at Hikaru full of disbelief and fear.

But then he fell on his face and died.

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