The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 486: Persuading the pirates

Chapter 486: Persuading the pirates

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Facing Sheyan’s imposing loftiness, the hostile pirates huddled together with gazes of foreboding fear. Although they refused to give way, they didn’t dare to initiate combat either. After the deadlock persisted for several minutes, Brother Black suddenly started laughing back as his vantage point as he pointed towards the stern of the ship.

"HAHAHA,what a surprise, One-eyed Hog had just left with his confidants on a jollyboat. A bunch of idiots guarding his wake to death, only to be abandoned by their captain!"

This piece of news was like a bolt from the blue that struck the obstructing pirates. They couldn’t help but glance over, and indeed, witnessed a frightened One-eyed Hog rowing away with his trusted aides; while clutching his decapitated arm like a grieving dog. Their hearts were instantly discouraged, seemingly on the verge of heart failure, as the weapons cluttered to the deck one after another.

Narrating the following event, One-eyed Hog was truly unfortunate. After he had stubbornly escaped the jaws of Sheyan in his jollyboat, he was locked onto by a British Navy Armed Merchantman ship. With a cannonball blasting in from a nautical mile towards the jollyboat……the individuals onboard were truly fed to the sharks of the caribbean sea………

Strictly speaking, One-eyed Hog didn’t have any intentions of abandoning his comrades. It was only because his fighting spirit had crumbled, as his dread towards Sheyan’s crew grew gradually. One-eyed Hog understood how powerful his own crew was, and figured Sheyan would fly into a rampaging massacre. Thus, he could only treat his cannon fodder crew like dead men, and fled decisively; because if he didn’t, he wouldn’t have an opportunity to do so in the future. Furthermore, he intended to seek out the crew of the main pirate fleet to settle this debt.

However, how would he be aware of Sheyan’s ploy? Indeed, how could he fathom Sheyan’s desire to commandeer his crew? Hence, his desperate actions had fallen coincidentally with the schemes of Sheyan, playing out to Sheyan’s orchestrated performance.

Observing that the pirates had lost their fighting spirits, Sheyan gestured to his pirates, whose morale had skyrocketed, to surround the fifty plus underlings of One-eyed Hog with weapons.

In reality, Sheyan had a smaller crew, but with their soaring morale and vigor, they appeared as though their numbers had amplified by ten folds; while they encircled the crew of One-eyed Hog. The opposing pirates shivered in fear as they were squeezed in, with some pleading while others berating furiously.

Facing such a scene, Sheyan stood before them with indifference; refusing to issue a word. After the atmosphere of despair completed overwhelmed the pirates, Sheyan maliciously slashed against the air twice with his long saber. Finally, he roared out sonorously.

"Have you lost your balls to fight, ye bunch of scoundrels, cutthroats and scurvy dogs?

Nobody dared to answer Sheyan. Instead, some picked up their weapons and pointed towards Sheyan; blood bubbling furiously in their hearts from the humiliation.

Sheyan nodded with great satisfaction, while casting a gaze of admiration at the pirates who dared to raise their weapons at him. He praised out.

"Excellent, ye bunch of scums deserving of walking the plank to feed the sharks. You ultimately still possess certain redeeming qualities."

After speaking, Sheyan glance back towards his own pirate underlings and shouted.

"Tell the lot of crestfallen childs, who was it that defeated them!"

Morale soared amongst the pirates of Sheyan, as they summoned their strength and howled in unison.

"Aye, yer lost to the Flying Dutchman’s Third Mate! Seaman Yan from the east! The heart of the Decaying Undead be his booty, the one who toyed with Ammand within his palms!!"

In the perspective of One-eyed Hog’s crew, whatever decaying undead or Ammand, none could compare to the thunderous reputation of the Flying Dutchman. Bear this in mind, the position of those three legendary pirate ships were akin to religious faith of sacred lands, in the hearts of the pirates.

No matter how redoubtable their pirate lord Chevalle was, his flagship hadn’t risen to the realms of the legendary pirate ships.

Those pirates began whispering amongst themselves momentarily, while occasionally peeping at Sheyan. Obviously, they were circulating the rumours overheard from bars, and from the mouths of whores!

Roughly half a minute later, dispirited expressions plastered onto the crew of One-eyed Hog. A massive pirate clad in sleeveless hide coat hung his head down dejectedly, as he stepped forward and bowed.

"Sir, to be losin’ to ye, this defeat isn’t unjust at all. To be capable of commandeering a marine’s 3-masted ship, with a pathetic single-masted boat and a crew of sickly and aged…sure enough, ye be worthy of bein’ an infamous character of the legendary pirate ship. Me crew has decided not to resist, so please take our lives……if this can appease your wrath."

Sheyan scoffed disdainfully in response.

"Do you think my aim is a pathetic 3-masted Galley ship? Far be it! I loathe the life of a Third Mate, my aim, is to become captain of a grand 5-masted caravel ship! My jolly roger shall flutter alongside the pirate ships of legends!"

Dumbstruck by this proclamation, the buff chap in sleeveless hide coat could only argue.

"Sir!!!! Pardon me presumptions, it be impossible for ye to achieve that. In truth, your crew can barely sail a large 5-masted caravel ship at the walkin’ speed of wenches squeezin’ their thighs on their periods!"

Sheyan earnestly replied.

"A journey is made one step at a time, a meal one mouthful at a time. I understand this fact clearly. That is why I require a capable crew, lads who are sufficiently bold! Your name, tell me your name big guy."

That buff chap clad in hide was stunned momentarily, before he muttered.

"Me name’s Canby, sir. You can call me Iron-hammer. This one was a jolly good blacksmit’ back before me days of piracy."

"Then, be ye willing to accompany me to capture our grand 5-masted Caravel ship? Or perhaps, be ye willing to brave death with me?" Sheyan questioned solemnly.

Canby paused for a moment.

"Sir!! You be a true maniac!"

Sheyan’s incisive gaze stabbed it as though about to devour someone.

"This is because I possess sufficient strength! And sufficient confidence!"

Canby stared briefly at Sheyan. Then, he half knelt to the ground before touching the deck with his forehead.

"I be willin’ to serve ye, cap’n!"

"Wonderful!" Sheyan pulled him up, before roaring towards the multitude.

"Those who had dared to raise their weapons at me, do you have the balls to step forward?"

After issuing his statement, several pirates revealed indignant expressions as they stepped forward with large strides. Sheyan surveyed them with a pair of appreciative eyes, before bellowing loudly in their faces.

"I claim the group of you! Ye heard that! Your bravery has shakened me, and so your lives shall be benevolently spared. You shall have the honor of serving me! Whoever is not in accord, can step forth now and jump overboard. Is there anyone, anyone?"

The pirates peered at each other without a single movement. If there wasn’t a need, jumping into the sea with the current climate wouldn’t be a very comforting experience. Sheyan proclaimed while pointing at Canbi.

"From henceforth, he is your head! Get this in your mind; obeying his orders is equivalent to obeying mine! As for those spineless scums fearful of picking up their weapons, they will be your underlings…whomever wishes to object my leadership or are feeling compelled to accept this, I shall give you ten seconds to raise your dissent!"

A skinny long-necked pirate then lifted his hand bashfully. Sheyan tilted his chin up. The pirate inquired timidly.

"Sir, if this one’s understanding be correct, you intend fer us to join the crew of th’ Flying Dutchman?"

Sheyan grimly renounced.

"That ship is filled with fiends who are neither human nor ghosts. If you wish to join them, I can write a testimonial to recommend you."

Muffled attempts emitted from the pirates as they attempted to repress their giggles. The skinny pirate shrugged his shoulders and replied.

"Yet I feel there isn’t a difference between us and sir. Fine, I was just referring to the outer appearance."

Sheyan responded indifferently.

"There is always an exception to all things, ain’t it? I shall specifically inform you right now, I intend to be my own captain. Therefore, I promise you ample rewards for serving me in the time to come. I can swear, these rewards will be heftier than what One-eyed Hog can offer you by a fold!"

Listening till here, the skinny pirate nodded.

"Aye, I understand. Honoured to be part of yer crew, cap’n. Tis’ one has no further questions."

Sheyan paused briefly, noticing that the underlings of One-eyed Hog weren’t dismal at all, but instead were engaged in mutual whisperings. Knowing that his gamble had paid off, Sheyan revealed an excited countenance. The sea was always a world where the strong preyed on the weak. By employing his strength to directly pressure them, these bunch of pirates who were accustomed to following the powerful, would naturally react pragmatically.

Most crucially, the majority of these pirates belonged to the lower tiers, where their loyalty to upper echelons remained unstable……citing the example of a basic employer of a Foxconn. If you presented him with a 5,000 bucks salary, he would surely forsake his job and defect to any wealthy Taiwan conglomerate with you. Following that, Sheyan clasped his hands and issued his very first command.

"Alright, all hands on deck on this magnificent 3-masted ship of the englishmen. All of you best change to those ugly red and white rugs of the marines. Within 5 minutes, I wish to see this ship set sail! What, you’re asking me how to handle the marines? Wait, wait, don’t execute them. I have a better arrangement for these arrogant arses. Strip off their clothes and throw them into the warehouse of the ship!"

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