The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 497: Analyze

Chapter 497: Analyze

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Proceeding from there, it was as though the Chupacabra suddenly stepped on its emergency break in the seawater. It then carried the waves and fled for its life relentlessly.

The pirates could only stare vacantly at such an outrageous twist of event.

Nevertheless by now, the trio had seen countless of strange phenomenons, and immediately reacted; unwilling to allow this golden opportunity of beating down a drowning dog to simply pass through.

While launching crazed assaults, they cursed at the pirates to get the ship moving in relentless pursuit.

After a short chasing battle, the eventual outcome was that the Chupacabra escaped the hunt.

Instead, their crazed assault at the enemy’s ‘masts’ and ‘rudder’ has succeeded. By a lucky stroke, they managed to forcibly blast away the long tail of this alligator lookalike!

Blood dyed the encompassing seawaters, as the Chupacabra dove deep into the abyss amidst its mournful hisses. Meanwhile, the pirates were in an uproar, as they transported the severed tail back to the ship.

The thickest portion of this blood dripping long tail was as thick as a large wine barrell. The length of the tail spanned nearly 6 metres, while its outer epidermis remained exceptionally thick and sturdy. From its thickness, one could imagine it to be roughly 2 cm thick. Its interior fleshy meat persisted in endless squirming, expressing the tremendous might hidden within.

When Sheyan’s fingers finally interacted with the tail, he immediately received a notification from the realm - [ Unknown object, requires appraisal ].

Viewing that, he knew this battle wasn’t a futile one, where they still gained something though they failed to slaughter it.

Following this, Sheyan arranged for several pirates, ones with rounder waist and proficient in swimming, to lead the way ahead in a jolly boat.

At present, the pirates were no longer petrified by the horrors of legends, but jumped overboard in successions; employing their sabers/broadswords to slice away those interwoven black webs of enormous sargassum.

Sheyan placed One-eyed Blacksail to preside over this matter. Thus, even if an unexpected variation occurs, those pirates should still be able to deal with it with ease.

Noteworthily, these enormous sargassum were stubbornly tenacious; every time a gentle stroke braced against them, they would merely congregate back together within minutes. As such, the contestants tailing the trio would not be able to exploit any advantages.

As an astute maritime supervisor, Sheyan understood the logic of tensions and relaxations.

Seizing the presently snail-like voyage of the Hill Maiden, he tasked only a few pirates to maintain a lookout. Then, he brought out the previously plundered rum and meat, and threw a simple celebratory feast; allowing the pirates to rest and loosen up.

No doubt, such an order obviously received the endorsement of the pirates, as they begun cheering and indulging in their merriment.

The aroma of roasted sizzling meat and permeated into the moist climate. Chews were accompanied with an irrigating mouthful of rum, as the fiery spiciness seeped down from one’s throat before diffusing to all four corners of one’s bones…such contentment could merely be grasped intuitively, and incapable of conveying with words.

Sheyan circled throughout the different cliques, occasionally pausing for a toast or two while performing few dialogues to spark the vulgar laughters of his subordinates. Consecutively, he kindly reminded them to contain their drunken reverie; where whoever got intoxicated, would have to safeguard the ship once they reached Tortuga port.

Observing that the atmosphere was thriving, Sheyan then planned to retire to his cabin to formulate plans for their imminent destination - Tortuga port.

Several steps while strolling towards his cabin, just when Sheyan was about to swing open the door, he suddenly heard a thunderous outburst of laughter from a nearby congregation of pirates.

The next moment, he noticed a reddened face that was sticking out his tongue while chiding the other pirates.

"Yer bunch of……scallywag idiots! Aye, I…I…I know th’ me…me…method cap’n used to……to chase way that beast!"

"Arghhahaha, cut yer braggin’. Wasn’t ye keepin’ a lookout at the crow’s nest then, yer didn’t even touch a single scale of the beast!" Several pirates were concurrently mocking him.

That lookout furiously argued.

"Truly because me was atop the mast, that be why me vision be clearer than yers! I don’t know what sorcery cap’n had used, but he called fer Paul! Or mayhaps, it be th’ phantom of Paul!"

"Paul?" Another pirate doubtfully asked. "Blimey, how many hundreds of paul be there in tis’ world, which Paul are ye referin’ to?"

"Mayhaps it be that Paul?" Another pirates was suddenly startled awake from a dizzy intoxication. His voice suddenly turned surreptitious. "Nightmare Paul? Davy Jones’s Paul?"

The group of pirates remained completely silent, as their eyes started brimming with horror.

As long as one was a pirate for long, one would inevitably overhear about the terrifying legend of a colossal octopus at bars. Within the caribbean sea, the stories of it was even more frequent than about Davy Jones; because though the Flying Dutchman was a ship, an unparalleled and mysterious ship, the sea monster was a paragon emblem of sea battles!

That lookout started turning pleased with himself.

"That’s correct! Olite, I feel the need to correct the error of yer appellation, please address it as Paul the Divine Guardian. That massive monstrosity of a kraken be an unexplainable nightmare to other unlucky pirates, but to us, it be our divine guardian!"

Speaking till here, that lookout could feel his words had successfully entice the attention of his surrounding comrades. Drinking a mouthful of rum, he began prancing around with excitement.

"When I scouted atop the crow’s nest, at the instance the Chupacabra nearly flipped our ship, me cap’n pulled out a mighty musket from the water. Takin’ an aim at it……in that instant, the seawater froze like transparent ice! I swear upon th’ graves of me mom and me Ol’man, the shape of the seawater morphed into an unrivalled colossal octopus!!"

"Shiver me timbers! That’s amazin’!!"

"No wonder that demon fled in fear!"

"One suckler of Paul’s mighty tentacle be enough to the rip the Chupacabra’s brains out!"



When he overheard them, Sheyan too felt a sudden realization; knowing that pirate should be spouting the truth. That was the only straightforward explanation for the Chupacabra fleeing.

According to Sheyan’s inference, Octopus Kraken Paul could very possibly have transcended the tier-7 legendary creature mark, and become an existence of a tier-8 legendary creature, or perhaps even display the might of a legendary tier-9 in the water!

Hence when encountering such an invincible character, though merely an illusion, a measly tier-3 legendary creature would naturally be scared witless and flee. It was the same logic as a dog turning limp and running after sniffing the whiff of a tiger’s pee.

How did the illusion of Octopus Kraken Paul suddenly appear? The root cause probably laid in ‘Ambition’. When Sheyan had obtained it in the past, he only acquired it after passing Octopus Paul’s roulette.

Moreover, when he first joined the Flying Dutchman crew, it was impossible to earn the complete trust of Davy Jones. Therefore, that could also be a possibility of an act of caution by Davy Jones or Paul, who left their brand or certain tricks within the musket. Once they discovered Sheyan was a spy or someone dangerous to the Flying Dutchman, they could retrieve the weapon anytime.

Evidently, the realm’s powerful force had isolated the effects of this soul branding on this musket in other worlds. Thus, only when Sheyan returned to this world and pulled out ‘Ambition’, the arrangements stored within was naturally activated.

Moreover, the strength of the present Davy Jones and Paul should have scaled exponentially, and a mere leakage of aura would suffice to send the Chupacabra running in fear.

Besides when asking his own heart, Sheyan knew he had a clear conscience and hadn’t let Davy Jones down. Furthermore back then, his warning in the nick of time, had caused Zi and her party’s schemes to fail at the final effort. Therefore, after returning to this world, he dared to wear the pretense of a Flying Dutchman crew member to propel his bombastic status.

After clarifying the crux of the matter, Sheyan’s thoughts finally cleared up. Furthermore, he didn’t try to contain that lookout from adding oil and vinegar to his witnessing narration, because it undoubtedly favoured Sheyan’s governance over his ship.

At present, Blacksail had finally returned with the few other pirates he led.

Drenched completely, his skin was also scarred with the ash-black vestiges of those enormous sargassum. Several red swells could also be seen, where he had obviously eaten numerous hardships for this task.

Blacksail then proceeded to offer a spotlessly white tray to Sheyan. Atop this tray, were placed 6 grains of black bramble like fruit. These fruits were emanating a faint green glow. One look, and Sheyan knew these weren’t ordinary items.

"Tis’ be the root origin of those hair of the deceased blockin’ our ship."

Blacksail bowed humbly and respectfully announced.

"In this season, the Gulf of Satmos be flushin’ with loads of planktons, fishes, and shrimps to tis’ sea region. As such, this abundance of food nourishment and the warm sea, be beneficial fer the sea plants to propagate. That be why the hair of the deceased chooses this period to emerge, to rapidly propagate its future generations. All us knows, how feverish the animals be durin’ their mating season."

Sheyan chuckled.

"So this must be its fruit?"

Blacksail nodded in response.

"Few knowst of tis’ mystery in the entire caribbean sea, I be one of them. Aye, cap’n be one of em’ that knoweth now."

Sheyan contemplated before asking.

"Then, that fiend known as the Chupacabra, it came for this fruit too? Treating these as forbidden fruits, therefore, it attacked us because it felt we intruded its hunting district."

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