The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 810: Ambush or murder?

Chapter 810: Ambush or murder?

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

To most elves, falling down while laboring amidst a raging storm was a common affair.

Furthermore, when the elf that was assaulted released a yelp, it sounded similar to one accidentally slipping due to the howling winds.

Hence, most of the elves glanced over nonchalantly as they continued toiling after affirming nothing was up.

The only one that felt something awry was the assisting elf. He immediately felt something was amiss upon pulling his comrade. The arm of his comrade felt exceedingly peculiar, as though it was devoid of strength like he was pulling a corpse.

He hastily bent down and flipped his elf comrade around. Instantly, a shocking deep wound across the comrade\'s back right near the heart area greeted him. Then, he noticed the lifelessness in the elf\'s eye coupled with his ghastly pale complexion.

Strangely, the periphery around the wound appeared deathly white as though the body had been soaked in water for a long time. There wasn\'t a single droplet of blood, and forcefully squeezing the wound resulted in turbid rainwater flowing out instead. Evidently, the aura of life had long escaped this physical body.

While the baffled elf was inspecting his comrade\'s wound, he suddenly noticed the rainwater strangely congealing together. Then, it morphed into a shaftless transparent blade that sliced in with indescribable speed.

This elf wasn\'t very strong and could be considered extremely weak. In fact, he was only a quarter elf due to his grandpa, and was mostly human. Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be tasked with such servant-like chores. Moreover, he definitely wouldn\'t choose to spend his best years attempting a trip to the Undying Lands with Elrond.

Thus, the transparent blade sliced in for the kill. The elf only felt a comfortable chill across his throat before feeling nothing; not even agony. Only, he saw something gushing out from his neck. It was a queer yet somewhat nice sensation, however, his consciousness gradually dimmed as his soul floated to the sky.

The spurting blood from the collapsed elf instantly incited the attention of everyone. A person slipping may be an accident, but two collapsing was undoubtedly uncealable.

"An ambush by enemies!"

The elves howled out in panic. These laborious elf servants were wonderful in chores but a travesty with regards to fighting. The situation fell into a messy upheaval as the elves tried to look for the hidden enemy.

All of a sudden, a strange transparent half gripped the ankle of another elf. The elf who was still trying to find a foe fell and moved no more.

This attack was witnessed by a half-elf beside. That elf instinctively glanced at his own feet and released a terrified scream. He too discovered the rainwater congealing into a transparent and enormous hand that viciously gripped his ankle

In this instant, the elven bloodline in this elf exhibited its superior might as the elf darted away at once.

In spite of that, the transparent liquid hand was displeased with the failed assault. It immediately swept in with another malicious strike.

What was on the ground? With the pouring rain, only puddles of rainwater apart from solid mountain rocks. When the transparent liquid hand swiped in, the hand merely struck more rainwater. Yet in that instance, the hand abruptly transformed into an incredibly incisive dagger!

The dagger was transparent and brimming with deadly sharpness, seemingly guaranteeing the chances of puncturing its foe.

The liquid hand seized the water dagger and thrust it ferociously. Fortunately, the elf was pretty agile, possibly due to his superior elven bloodline. The elf continued to dodge repeatedly.

Still, the transparent hand struck with astonishing speed, jabbing in blades immediately after retracting. Moreover, the terrifying hand seemed to be able to conduct form displacement. The hand abruptly melted into the puddles, and reappeared behind the elf a second later!

Nobody could fathom the strange positioning of the transparent hand. After a single thrust, the hand then proceeded to stab unceasingly like a windmill without pause.

Fortunately, the exceedingly wretched elf managed to scramble for a tent plank on the ground, and blocked off several blows.

All of a sudden, the transparent liquid hand executed a ghostly flash movement with its water blade. The ghostly flash was actually due to a sudden unparalleled accelerated thrust! It thrust straight for the same spot on the wooden tent plank.

As the saying goes, dripping water penetrates the stone and ropes saw off timber. The solid wooden plank, though extremely sturdy, ultimately couldn\'t handle the endless stabs of the overwhelmingly strong water blade.

Kacha! The wooden plank finally snapped.

Following that, the transparent hand executed a throwing action. Soon after, the hand unexpectedly turned into a sharp blade itself and penetrated deep into the chest of the half-elf.

The half-elf screamed miserably as his skinny body staggered backward before slumping to the ground. The life in his ravishing blue pupils swiftly faded, as the savage transparent liquid hand dissolved into a puddle after committing murder.

Meanwhile, it wasn\'t only these half elf servants that were being assaulted. Eyes were similarly set on the few carriages.

In truth, this meticulously plotted sneak attack was definitely for assassination.

Before the transparent liquid hand was discovered previously, the falling rain water above Elder Sindelwyn Yellowpage\'s carriage was suddenly ignited. Queer light-blue flames emerged where the flames swiftly upgraded into an incinerating light-blue fireball. This fireball blazed down from above.

Yet at this moment, a layer of green radiance floated up from the carriage\'s exterior, shielding the carriage from the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! A series of explosions occurred. The air became polluted with fiery smoke and a charred stench. A fine horse was caught in the wave of flames and neighed sorrowfully before perishing.

The light-blue flames churned with greater intensity upon interacting with more rain water. Afar, the uni-horn stallions were edging back in fear. Not only that, the blue flames landed on mountain rocks and caused them to fizzle. The rain water landed on the flames, they seemed to offer the effect of adding oil to a fire.

The green radiating barrier protecting this carriage turned evidently diluted, repeatedly unleashing greenish brilliance against the crudely splashing fire flames. The flames appeared to be extinguishable at any second, but the pouring rain continued to fuel the flames; seemingly engulfing the carriage with an inferno, threatening to burn everything to a crisp within a split second.

The decorations of the carriage fell in successions, releasing \'ding dang\' sounds amidst the loud rain, and complementing the sizzling sounds of a burning horse nearby. The scene was exceedingly strange to describe.

A moment later, Elder Sindelwyn Yellowpage charged out from the ruined carriage.

Of course, he wasn\'t the only one to surface. In front of the grim looking elder, a shocking and massive earth elemental appeared. The earth elemental was like a threatening great bear that blasted the carriage into smithereens upon emerging from it.

Although the blue flames ravaged the earth elemental\'s body wantonly, the elemental seemed to be unbothered. Yet at this time, within the vast whiteness of the pouring rain, an incredibly fierce and deadly glint flashed in.

This glint created an impression of frying one\'s eyes. Not only that, it seemed to bring a searing agony that would cause one\'s heart to distort. This was an arrow specifically utilized to invade one\'s heart.

Not many characters could fire such an arrow throughout the entire Lord of the Rings world. This could be said amongst the elves renowned from rangership as well!

The reality was that it wasn\'t an elf that fired this arrow. Instead, it was the most hated and reviled enemy of the elves.

Uruk-hai Lurtz!

The arrow directly penetrated the core of the earth element. Being an elemental creature, the earth elemental didn\'t perish but lost the energy to continue residing in this world. Thus, it instantly degenerated into a heap of rocks that crumbled down.

Yet more terrifying was that the arrow gravely wounded Elf Elder Sindelwyn Yellowpage as well. A frightening puncture wound could be seen at his chest, as fresh blood dyed his robe red.

Concurrently, as the billowing winds howled, a lightning bolt whistled in for the other carriage of Elf Elder Botehan Youngbud.

The two uni-horn stallions that pulled Lord Elrond\'s carriage simultaneously raised their front hooves while issuing a furious neigh. A golden brilliance glittered at the tip of their horns. The brilliant resplendent wasn\'t a good sign, but an indication that powerful evil loomed nearby.

Amidst the hazy rain, an unfathomable shadow seemed to be approaching.

Be it the majestic and herculean stallions or the unwavering chauffeur, it seemed as though the source of darkness had enveloped their bodies.

The shadow halted. It was as though the shadow was covered in black ink; nefarious, ghostly, and carrying an unrivalled nature of invasion!

Even the falling rain water, once landed on the shadow\'s periphery, would be polluted with overflowing evil!

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