Magical Academy: Rise of the Supreme Magic Craftsman

Chapter 269 - Accusations

Ace easily managed to contact Aaron who was currently playing the Alien Invasion game. The latter took a moment to stop playing and answered his call. 

"Wallace? It\'s surprising for you to contact me like this... Is there anything wrong about how I play this game?"

It seems that the president was well aware of who made this VR Pod even if he didn\'t say. Not only that, but this was also Aaron\'s first time to receive a system notification that someone in the real world was trying to contact him on his phone. 

Normally, the notification he would get was only when the VR Pod was being shaken, or if someone pressed the button outside to notify him about their presence. 

This time, it was different.

"No, there\'s nothing wrong. I\'m actually impressed by your solo gameplay and you were even at the first page of the leaderboard at that..."

"Hahaha! Isn\'t that amazing? Well, I didn\'t have much to do these days and I\'m learning many things... I just can\'t get enough of it..."

"Great! But please, take care of your health. Right, I just wanted to ask if you know something about Falcon and his other Adept friends from Lucent Force who broke into my property?"

"What did they do?! What happened?!"

"I\'m not sure... That was why I\'m calling you in a hurry... They said that they were investigating my plans to overthrow the government... It seems that there was a misunderstanding..."

Ace explained as he scratches his head in helplessness. He needed some help from the legal authorities with regard to this type of situation so he had to consult as many helpful people as he can. 

"Where are they right now?"

Aaron asked as he felt that it was indeed something that the Lucent Force can do. After all, breaking into the property of suspected people to find evidence could not be easily done by the police so they needed assistance with these professional magicians. 

"I put them into custody."


Aaron went silent for a moment after hearing that... It seems that it was a different Lucent Force they were talking about...

"Wait, are you sure they are real members of the Force, the Lucent Force? The elite magicians trained by the Grand Sages and one of the three Grand Arcanist in the country?"

"Yes... They showed me a token that seems to be legitimate."

"Really? I would like to meet these people... I know some members of the organization. Wait, how do you know that I\'m related to them? Did they told you?"

"Oh, not really. I just read it from somewhere... Anyway, what\'s your plan?"

"Sigh~ Alright, I\'ll contact Hawk, a friend of mine within the Lucent Force... I\'ll try to clarify things first... I\'ll contact you again if I have something with me."

Aaron said as they ended their conversation. Ace was already satisfied with this as he believes that this person will be able to do a lot for him.

Aside from that, just in case the group was actually faking their identity, then he wouldn\'t mind if they stayed here for good. It would be easier for him to handle this situation. 

Ace quickly followed Yumi who was being led by one of his automatons. He also quickly wore the bio-armor he removed just a while ago. 

He can\'t be too relax by meeting the group. The armor was giving him a sense of security against any hidden attacks.

He didn\'t want to leave any opening just because he kept them inside a building that prevents mana from entering. 

That\'s right. The cabin was a structure not only made by enchanted materials but he also placed a magic technology he used before to create nuclear energy.

The Wallace from before didn\'t give a name on this technology as he believes that it wouldn\'t be used too much.

However, Ace found a lot of usage on this and started calling it as Nuclear Energy Field Generator...

He wanted to call it Anti-Mage Field at first but he also wanted to consider naming the artifacts or magic technology he created to be related to their purpose. And this Field Generator was indeed only meant to be used for Nuclear Energy when he first created it. It would help him remind the true purpose of these technologies. 


\'If it\'s really the Lucent Force targeting Wallace... Then I really have to contact Grandma Thea immediately. Sir Slaine is not present to help his apprentice and I\'m not sure if Wallace can even get help with Lacus... Aaron should be able to do something but he can\'t heavily affect the decisions made by the directors... Sigh~\' 

Yumi was concerned about the presence of these people. The crimes being pinned to Wallace were too heavy and it would really require the government to act with full force if necessary. 

She had to know who was the mastermind behind these allegations and work from there. She does not believe that the Lucent Force would really act with just petty rumors and tips about the illegal possession of dangerous materials.

It didn\'t take long before she noticed that they were getting near to the cabin. It was because of the ten flying automatons circling around the perimeter to ensure that there will be no more unwelcomed visitors.

As soon as she saw the cabin, she immediately felt the presence of the twelve individuals while they were still unaware of her presence. 

Wallace already caught up to her and he was already on his black armor... 

"You don\'t want to show your face?"

"Not really... I just want to protect myself from any dangers... I\'m not as strong as the other Wallace, remember? So I\'m not confident meeting with a dozen Adepts unprotected."

"Really? Haha... It\'s good that you\'re honest. Don\'t worry. Just stay beside me and I\'ll protect you." 

"Haa... That\'s reassuring..." 

Ace said as he leads Yumi inside the room to meet the twelve. 

Yumi squinted her eyes as she realized that she could no longer sense any Mana...

\'Interesting... This kid truly has many things he was hiding from NMTI... Sigh~ I hope that he\'ll consider sharing this technology... I bet that he\'ll earn a lot from this...\'


Falcon and the group were only waiting for about 15 minutes before they suddenly heard people entering the cabin. 

They saw that the armored being has now brought a middle-aged lady with him. 

\'A lawyer?\' 

As Yumi was only wearing a long robe she got from somewhere, they couldn\'t tell her real identity. 

However, considering that the young man was facing several accusations, they could only think of her as someone who would defend his rights.

"Who\'s the leader?"

Yumi asked the group and a middle-aged man stepped forward from them.

"I\'m the leader... Falcon, from the Lucent Force."

"Very well... What\'s the name of your superior within the Force."

"I\'m sorry. That\'s classified information." 

"Alright, then you\'ll probably be staying in this place for a long time until we confirm your identity." 


Falcon went silent as a hint of anger was accumulating in his eyes. They were part of the authorities!

They weren\'t acting too rude to Wallace a while ago and they didn\'t fight back at all because he wanted to settle things with him peacefully. 

But if they get forced like this, they would have to consider using their trump cards to get out of this place and find evidence in a different way.

"Wallace... Prove to me that you\'re innocent and if you failed, we will arrest you here, right now..." 

"Acting tough, huh. You can\'t even release your mana... Anyway, I\'m Yumi, a Regional Administrator of NMTI... There is nothing wrong in this place..." 

"Yumi? This..." 

Falcon squinted his eyes and suddenly realized that she was telling the truth. Because he couldn\'t sense her mana fluctuation, he was unable to quickly recognize her. He was definitely aware of this fearsome lady with mysterious Secret Art that affects her physical body. 

"That\'s right... I have legal documents and I received permissions for transporting those materials in my property... Your accusations were only based on the list of materials I bought... You have nothing to prove your words. So I wanted to know who\'s behind this..."

Ace said gravely as he wanted to truly clear his name while avoiding the revelation of his spaceship and mech frames. It would only cause more trouble if he revealed them too early. 

Luckily, Aaron suddenly contacted him that he was already nearing to his address and brought another member of the Lucent Force. It seems that this case was even more complicated than he expected. 

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