Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 283 - A Meeting At The Execution Ground (part 2)

Chapter 283 – A Meeting At The Execution Ground (part 2)





The vice commander of the Light Order and Reo were looking at each other in awkward silence for a few seconds until Zoemi prodded the green-haired boy\'s side making him jump.

"Act as if you didn\'t hear him before."


The black-haired boy whispered while making sure that his voice won\'t be picked up by the cautious Raun.

"Who are you…?"


"More confident!"

Reo asked, but his hesitant tone earned him another prod and a hushed scolding from the black-haired boy.

"Wh-what is the meaning of this? Who are you and what is your purpose on barging into the carriage lent me by the first prince?!"

After the initial slow start, the green-haired capture target seemed to get in the groove and straightened his back acting like the noble of a higher position should be towards the one below him.


Raun furrowed his brows and breathed out to compose himself – his actions had already brought him enough shame in front of his underlings of which each and every single one was eager to take his position. He really couldn\'t allow himself to lose his temper so easily – although if it was so easy for him, he wouldn\'t have been rejected from the King\'s Guard in the first place…

"Young lord Moyena. Pardon this misunderstanding. I am Roun Vevesti Lutroan, the vice-commander of the Light Order. I was informed that an individual called Zoemi Auequas would be traveling in this carriage. I was tasked with conveying him a message from the queen herself, therefore I believe that you will excuse the rashness of my actions."

…still, he wasn\'t all that bad with the proper etiquette once he really put his mind into it, Raun actually managed to recover quite splendidly and correctly use his position – and the position of his master – to get out of the potentially troublesome situation.

After all, even if his own social status wasn\'t worth being mentioned, the position of the person who tasked him with conveying the message changed the power balance completely.

"…it\'s alright, I\'ll take it from here on…"

Zoemi whispered, gently patting Reo\'s back as if he was telling him it was okay to tap out.

"I see. If that is the case, sir Raun, I see no reason to keep you from your task. Zoemi, you\'ve heard him. Receive the queen\'s message."

This time the green-haired boy was somewhat ready for the instruction so he followed it up immediately be doing his best at acting all high and mighty while moving back to his original spot, uncovering the black-haired boy to the armored man.

"Lord Lutroan, it is a pleasure to meet you. Even though I am unworthy of such great honor, I eagerly await to hear the message from her majesty."


The black-haired boy was the embodiment of professionalism and absolutely nothing in his words or act showed his true feelings – which certainly wasn\'t to Raun\'s liking as it felt like Zoemi was mocking him behind all those politeness and humbleness.

…probably because that was exactly what was happening…

"…I wouldn\'t be so happy if I was in your place…"

"My lord?"

Raun gritted his teeth and scoffed, squinting his eyes at the black-haired boy with an innocent expression, making him tilt his head curiously.

Zoemi had of course heard the armored man perfectly since his shadow enchantments were augmenting his hearing the most, and it was only a way to let Raun know that the black-haired boy isn\'t going to pick a fight as must have been the secondary – or maybe even the primary – objective of this particular group from the Light Order.

"It\'s nothing. Let\'s get to what is really important."

The armored man shook his head and cleared his throat before delivering the message.

"Take a good look at the place you are now, as this is the last sight that those guilty of grave crimes would undoubtedly see before meeting their justly end."


Raun spoke loudly and clearly, and his words really seem to get a shocked reaction…

…of the green-haired Reo as well as the coachman listening in on them…

|I was wondering what it will be, but to think it will be a threat… Still, this might be an attempt to provoke me so that I would do something stupid – maybe this is why the Light Order showed up in bulk… Oh well, it actually works in my favor if I am underestimated.|

The completely unfazed Zoemi thought to himself, doing his best not to sigh and shake his head at the childish message.

"I see. Yes. Her majesty is very wise – please, lord Lutroan, if you be so kind, convey back my gratefulness for the benevolence and wisdom imparted onto me by our beloved queen."


Zoemi went even a step further and bowed deeply towards the speechless vice-commander of the Light Order.

|Huh…? Weird… I can sense sir Ludier\'s shadow, but my shadow connect passes straight through it without any reaction… what is going on…?|

Actually, the black-haired boy had another reason to hide his face by lowering his head.

By doing that he was able to focus on one strand of the shadow connect spell that he had sent out to check up on Ludier Galamroze\'s shadow that he noticed before.

The shadow itself felt odd somehow.

It definitely was there, but at the same time, it wasn\'t…

Although that was rather rude to do to someone whom he allied before, Zoemi ended up sending his shadow to leach onto the Ludier\'s shadow – and the same spell that was stuck onto the fourteen Light Order members leeching out their mana had splendidly passed right through the unique shadow of the wanted murderer without draining even a speck of mana.

To make it even more confusing, by searching and feeling around with the free strand of the shadow connect, the black-haired boy realized that Ludier wasn\'t even physically there.

It was ONLY his unique shadow hovering a foot above the podium in the middle of the execution ground.

|…I need to check what is going on…|

Zoemi furrowed his brows and decided after gulping down his saliva – he certainly didn\'t have a good feeling about this situation.

Seeing a unique shadow of one person being attached to someone else – like it was the case with Aspakeony\'s magic – was already an incredibly odd thing to experience, but a disembodied shadow was on a whole another level of strange.

"Her highness is indeed wise! Actually – my lord – while you are here, why don\'t you show me around this place so I could learn more about the faith of the evildoers of the world!"



The black-haired boy suddenly straightened his back and declared, straight-up jumping out of the carriage and making Reo raise his voice after him while Raun had backed off so fast that he had almost tripped on his own legs.

"My lord? Is there a problem? If my request is too much please, feel free to refuse!"

|Pffft…! I see – he must know that I was able to hold down and knock out one of his underlings before and tries to keep his distance because he is cautious of me…|

Zoemi tilted his head and asked with a perfectly innocent expression while holding back a mocking snort at the man\'s reaction.

"I-It\'s not. The queen did tell me to properly convey the meaning of her message to you if you happen to miss it, so this is well within my duty…"

The vice commander of the Light Order was doing his best to not show the embarrassment, acting as if nothing happened even though some of his men started whispering to one another sharing mockery.

"Ah! Is that so?! Then, by all means, my lord, please lead the way!"

The black-haired boy bowed down looking as polite and servile as it was possible, which only raised Raun\'s cautiousness.


"Lord Reo, please, it will not take long."

Reo called out to Zoemi from the carriage but the black-haired boy stealthily winked at him and bowed his head.

Although the green-haired boy had good intentions Zoemi had two good reasons to want to stay longer at their current location.

First was of course checking out on the extremely unusual unique shadow just… existing without a person it should be attached to…

And the second was draining as much mana from the fourteen light magicians as it was possible without them noticing anything.

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