Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 710 243 - Causing Trouble On Purpose~ (Part 2)

"I really hate how he talks about you, are you sure it\'s okay not to kill him? My lady?"

Aku breathed out in a significantly worse mood than his master, adding the official title only to keep up the appearances after noticing they were about to pass rather curious individuals.

"He is annoying, but just as we witnessed, his simpleton plans give us more chances to show me off in positive light."

"That\'s not what I was talking about."

The red-haired girl tried to dismiss the masked attendant\'s worries with a light wave of a hand but the boy was not appeased.

"I think that he has more brain in that head of his than to be serious about even half of the things he talks about. Cheer up. I am already learning self-defense from you on top of improving my spells. Have some faith in me~"

Seeing him like that made Kierul snicker and nudge at him with her hip as they walked.

"My trust in you is just fine, it\'s just that creeps like him make my blood boil."

Aku grumbled and let a bit of his bloodlust leak outside causing the closest attendants guarding their masters to tense up in readiness for an attack.

"Haaa... Alright. Aku. Stop it. If everything we learned about young lady Victureo is correct then you still have a big role to play in today\'s plan. Focus on that. Not on me. You worry too much."


The red-haired girl took a deep breath and said decisively which made her attendant stop voicing his worries but definitely not relax.

"Hmm... Oh, here\'s something to take your mind off my older brother~!"

Kierul started pouting seeing that her attempts to lift Aku\'s mood were in vain, but then something caught her eyes and her expression brightened.

"Pay attention to our right. I believed that no one from the lower nobility was invited but that was clearly wrong information. The one and only dual attribute healer and water magician is here too! What was her name again...? Burushi Kallerontte or something? She even got two attendants with her~ They look like the famous snow magician and the martial artist that can use magic."

The red-haired girl leaned towards her attendant and snickered with eyes shining with interest.

"So, it looks like the Victureo family didn\'t forget about the girl who saved their son. Let\'s go to them. After all, lord Grazio will eventually become my husband, there\'s nothing wrong with getting to know his benefactor."


Aku didn\'t want to make Kierul worry about him even more than she already did so he made sure that his voice expressed enough eagerness to put her at ease.

With that, the two walked towards the blond-haired girl and her two attendants minding their business.


But only a few steps in, Aku froze in place tensing up and releasing a bloodthirsty aura.


Kierul stopped too and asked in a grim voice – her attendant wouldn\'t have acted like that without a reason after all.

"Someone was trying to use some sort of spell on us. I am not sure whether it was aimed at you or me but whatever it was a lot of mana was put into it."

The masked boy spat through his teeth, releasing so much pressure that the attendants and even some aristocrats started looking around in fear searching for the source of it.

"...tsk... I noticed the healer girl mouth something just before... Talk about a lack of manners! Using a spell on another aristocrat and her attendant without permission or a word of warning, does she know no shame?"

Kierul clicked her tongue after realizing what was going on and shook her head in disgust.

Noticing her reaction the two attendants of the blond-haired girl moved forward, shielding their master from Kierul\'s sight...

...unfortunately for them, that was equal to admitting their crimes and only added fuel to the anger of the master and the masked attendant...

"Aku, you can concentrate and direct your bloodlust toward them, can\'t you? Make them soil themselves in fear."

"As you wish."

Kierul said in a strict voice, to which Aku agreed readily.



The masked attendant activated additional star power that mere passive effect had half of the ballroom on their toes and the concentrated spiritual energy that he released created an effect similar to the gust of wind.

Only that it wasn\'t an actual wind but mana in the air being pushed aside.

Funnily enough, as the law of Leo was activated and directed towards one spot, the pressure released by it disappeared from other spots, causing the bystanders to breathe out in relief.


"Hurgh...!" *thump*

As the spiritual energy hit its targets, the brownish-black-haired boy lowered his head, cowering and trembling like leaf in the wind while the white-as-snow girl dropped on her knees putting both hands to her face to block the bile that was climbing its way up from the stomach squeezed from pure terror.


The mental attack was so accurate that the healer magician standing directly behind her attendants didn\'t feel a thing but that only caused her shock to be that much bigger when she saw their reactions.



As Kierul and Aku were approaching both of the healer magician\'s attendants looked more and more miserable, looking away too scared to even try looking up at the pair.

"Since I don\'t want to mess with young lady Victureo\'s party I will leave it like that. I just let you know, Miss Kallerontte, you have sorely disappointed me. Don\'t try anything like that again, or I might not be able to stop Aku from retaliating. He is extremely sensitive about the unauthorized use of spells against either of us."


Kierul stopped a few steps away from the blond-haired girl and informed her in a cold voice, causing her to tense up, and lower her head.

"Hmph. That\'s what I thought."

The red-haired girl scoffed and turned away, no longer interested in conversing with the healer magician...

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